Rezydencja Eger, Kazimierz Dolny
, Kazimierz Dolny

Terms and conditions

  1. Homepage
  2. Offers
  3. Terms and conditions

General terms

  1. Vouchers will be issued and sent electronically or given directly to the buyer only after the total amount will be settled. At an additional cost of PLN 20 voucher will be sent in an elegant paper form by courier to the address indicated.
  2. Voucher entitles you to benefit from our offer based on a unique identification number.
  3. Quote Voucher - determines the value that can be used for services (accommodation, catering) in the Eger Residence.
  4. Stay Voucher - defines the terms of stay for a given number of people, in a certain standard of the room and it needs to be used on a specific date.
  5. The identification number is at the top of purchased Voucher, as the first line. Each Voucher has its own unique number. It is not possible to change the number, it is the basis for determining the validity and terms of use of the Voucher.
  6. All Vouchers are registered by the Reception Department of the Eger Residence.
  7. The purchaser is any person over 18 or a legal entity that has a Voucher and accepts these terms and conditions.
  8. The user is a person authorized to use the Voucher on the applicable rules and promotions specified by the identification number.
  9. Voucher is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full.
  10. Voucher may be/is valid for a single transaction only.
  11. Buyer/Recipient/User upon receiving the Voucher declares that he/she has read the content of these Terms and conditions and accepts the content in its entirety and undertakes to comply with its provisions.
  12. The Eger Residence reserves the right to change Terms and conditions of the Voucher. All changes are effective from the date of their introduction by the Eger Residence, after making the amended Terms and conditions available.

Validity of Voucher

  1. Vouchers are valid from the date of issuance.
  2. Vouchers are valid until Six months from the date of issuance unless otherwise stated on the voucher itself. No extension of the expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed.
  3. The Eger Residence is not responsible for the Voucher that was lost or damaged after it was handed over to the Purchaser.
  4. Vouchers are not valid in conjunction with any special promotion. Vouchers will not be accepted during the periods of Christmas, New Year's Eve, long weekends, the Two Riversides Festival and during special offers.
  5. Eger Residence is not adapted to receive animals.
  6. The voucher can be ordered only through the website of Eger Residence, by e-mail or by phone.
  7. Eger Residence does not create Vouchers from stays ordered from third parties.

Terms of use

  1. The purchased voucher is not refundable.
  2. Vouchers cannot be joined.
  3. The remaining balance, if any, must be paid by the Voucher holder in cash or by card.
  4. Eger Residence has right to refuse to accept Vouchers:
    • when Vouchers are expired.
    • Vouchers are damaged and it is impossible to read information given on the Voucher.
    • No advanced booking was made - only for Quote Vouchers and Stay Vouchers.
    • Occupancy at the Eger Residence is high or there are no vacant rooms or any of 1-20 points was broken.
    • Any irregularities and errors in the content 1-20.
  5. Terms and conditions and identification number on the Voucher should be reported to the address indicated by the Eger Residence: within two weeks from the date of receipt of the Voucher by the Purchaser. 
  6. Vouchers should be presented at the Reception Desk upon check-in.


Special offers

Happiness as a gift - Gift Vouchers
from 100PLN /item
from 100PLN /item

Offer details

Happiness as a gift - Gift Vouchers

Gift Stay Voucher
from 300PLN /item
from 300PLN /item

Offer details

Gift Stay Voucher

Tastes of Hungary - Restaurant Voucher
from 200PLN /item
from 200PLN /item

Offer details

Tastes of Hungary - Restaurant Voucher

Urlop w tygodniu!
from 445PLN /night
from 445PLN /night

Nie czekaj do weekendu, zaplanuj swój wypoczynek już dziś! Wyjazd w tygodniu, nawet jednodniowy, to świetny sposób na oderwanie się od codziennych ...

Offer details

Urlop w tygodniu!

Pakiet biznes
from 233PLN /night
from 233PLN /night

W podróży służbowej od niedzieli do czwartku. To specjalna oferta przygotowana dla Gości, dla których hotel jest drugim domem. Witajcie zatem w domu!

Offer details

Pakiet biznes

from 738PLN /night
from 738PLN /night

Czego potrzebujesz do idealnych zaręczyn ? Z przyjemnością pomożemy Panom w realizacji niezapomnianych zaręczyn, a wszystko w dyskretnej atmosferze ...

Offer details


Non-refundable offer
from 198PLN /night
from 198PLN /night

The perfect price offer for guests who are sure of their plans.

Offer details

Non-refundable offer

Price of day - flexible offer
from 220PLN /night
from 220PLN /night

The lowest price guarantee when booking online! Cancellation free of charge.

Offer details

Price of day - flexible offer

See all offers

ul. Czerniawy 53 b
24-120 Kazimierz Dolny, Polska

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